As you close your eyes and soften your body, I invite you to shift your spine long and tall.
Allow your shoulders to drop away from your ears with your out breath.
See your chin floating above your chest – your body completely aligned.
How does it feel to realign your body – to physically and mentally realign your body?
Notice your body breathing. Notice your mind breathing.
With great mindfulness, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
There it is – body and mind breathing as one – another realignment.
The invitation is to hear the mantra: my body and mind breathe as one.
My body and mind breathe as one. My body and mind breathe as one.
How are you connecting with your body and mind?
Is there a shift you need to make in order to be more fully aligned?
Shift it.
By realigning yourself, you have realigned everything around you.
Invite a body and mind breath in and out. Notice yourself in this space.
Nothing to do except breathe. And breathe. And breathe.
With your eyes open, breathe in and out:
my body and mind breathe as one.
Breathing more consciously, take a good look at the world around you.
We are one. You are one. It is all one. Body + Mind = One.
Attune to that alignment and notice – just notice.
Mary Anne