Yesterday marked the 13th anniversary of my mom’s passing. In the past I spent the day quiet, weepy, and often withdrawn. I decided to do something different to honor my mom.
The hugging saint, Amma, is in New York City July 11-13. An embrace by Amma is a unique, inspiring, and personally transformative experience. Amma spends hours as people line up to receive their hug.
I spent my mom’s anniversary in Amma’s presence. As I waited my turn for a hug, my whole body started shaking. And then I looked up and Amma was in front of me. Amma looked at me, smiled, and pulled me into her chest. She put her lips right to my ear, rocked me back and forth and said, “My Dola, My Dola, My Dola, My Dola.” It took me awhile to understand that she was really saying, “My Daughter, My Daughter…” I was overcome with tears as I felt as if my whole body was being comforted and loved.
My daughter. My daughter. An embrace by Amma reminds me just how much I miss and love my mother. I returned to my seat and closed my eyes. I felt my beloved mother and her embrace. Amma’s embrace filled me with the love I have for my mom.
Heaven to earth. Earth to heaven.
Dedicated to my mom, Catherine Flanagan.