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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

Toning the OM™ Team

Mary Anne FlanaganMary Anne Flanagan (Founder) is a Meditation Teacher, Certified Life Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, workshop facilitator, inspired speaker, and creator of Toning the OM™. Her passion is nourishing peace within. Mary Anne’s practice in the healing arts began in 2000 after her mother passed away. She began a journey of working with various spiritual teachers, shamanic practitioners, and musicians.  This work led her to facilitate national workshops on Meditation, Mindfulness, Contemplation in the Workplace, and Cultivating Joy. Her most popular retreat is the Wild Cosmic Heart. Mary Anne facilitates meditation and mindfulness classes around the world. Mary Anne has co-led workshops with amazing teachers, musicians, poets, and writers such as John de Kadt and Ubaka Hill.

Mary Anne is certified as a Life and Organizational Coach from New York University. She studied Coaching in Medicine and Leadership with Harvard Medical School. Mary Anne has worked with nonprofit organizations for more than 30 years in management and training. Mary Anne has a private healing and coaching practice in South Florida. When not toning her Om, Mary Anne enjoys writing, hiking, and birding.

All of Mary Anne’s healing work is dedicated to her beloved parents, Catherine and Ted Flanagan.

Tina Kiernan
 is a certified Yoga Alliance Instructor (200 Hours RYT), Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master with over 10 years of experience. She combines energy medicine with Reiki to provide a unique healing experience. Tina’s services include, shamanic Reiki healing sessions, energetic body clearings, private and semi-private yoga sessions, Reiki attunements, and house and automobile blessings.  Tina also works with the Ashkaric records to release past life issues that have come forward in the present. Tina has studied with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the Four Winds Society, Toning the OM™, Integrative Approaches to Healing, and the Yoga Institute of Houston, among others.


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