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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>


“The first time I met Mary Anne she threw her arms around me, welcoming me to a conference, and that moment says it all: welcoming, warm, loving, supportive, generous with her time, her spirit and her smile. She’s first a midwife of the wild and wonderful, and then she’s there waiting for you when you come back from your adventures.” – Betsey Crawford

“I thought Mary Anne’s leadership in the sacred circle was exceptional. I truly appreciated the “invitation to participate” rather than feeling forced. Being guided rather than coerced. Mary Anne’s energy was caring and giving and from a deep centered place. She was sincere, engaged and held space for the many different energies in the room. I hope we get to do more together in the future.” -L. Rose, Intuitive, New York City

“Mary Anne Flanagan is a warm, caring individual with the ability to blend individuals into a compassionate group. Her expertise and passion shines through and having taken more than one retreat with her, I would recommend any workshop or retreat that she is leading.”
~Tina Kiernan, Spirit Song Yoga and Healing

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Wild Cosmic Heart Retreat at Kalani Oceanside in Hawaii with Mary Anne Flanagan. I found the experience very healing and was able to really tap into the positive energy of the group. Mary Anne is very genuine and down to earth and very compassionate and she really truly believes in helping people and sharing her knowledge and offering a safe place to express your feelings and fears and hopes. You really felt like you left with a new lease on life or at least a road map on how to get there.” ~Francine, Canada

“Mary Anne is gifted in so many ways: insightful coach, gifted writer, and intuitive healer, to name a few. Her presence and creativity shine so brightly you almost don’t notice her creating results. It’s almost as if just by being Mary Anne that she facilitates outcomes for others. What’s even more precious is that she is careful to, and graceful in, honoring the human spirit while co-creating a space for positive change.” ─Paulette Rao, Leadership and Mentor Coach, True North Resources

“Mary Anne brings great love, power, energy, and focus to her teaching and spiritual work. Working with her always helps me to reconnect to the best of who I am.” – Steve Iannone, Energy Healer/Shaman

“Working with Mary Anne was on my list of big goals. As soon as I walked in, she made room for the minutia of my creative life and held a wand for the practical move it forward kind of stuff. She’s part Pema Chödrön and part Tony Robbins. Insightful, fiery, and deeply compassionate.”
– Janice Hoffman, Founder of Success Is Sweetest

“Mary Anne is amazing. Her generosity or spirit is a true gift and her work has left me with a renewed sense of life. Really, I felt the vibrations ringing through my body for the last 24 hours. Trying to relive the experience with each passing breath. I am humbled by her healing hands and am thankful to the Universe for bringing us together.” – Louis J. Alloro, M.Ed., MAPP

“Mary Anne Flanagan is a superb coach. Her compassion, coupled with her ability to get to the core of the matter, helped me to achieve the goals I wanted to achieve. She has a way of making you feel heard and safe. She not only encouraged me, she also challenged me and I am grateful for all her efforts. I feel blessed to have had the benefit of having her as my coach.” ­-Nancy Witter, The People Whisperer

“Always, Mary Anne, you have a gift for preparing the spirit, mind, body for knowing one another again, and more deeply.” – A. Shelby Andress

“I have had the opportunity to be a part of many global energy medicine intensives and classes with Mary Anne. I have experienced the wisdom, depth, humor and transformation Mary Anne brings to these teachings. The care in which she has guided me has been profoundly important in my life.”
– Kara C., Nyack, NY

“I have attended Toning the OM™ events and I can honestly say Mary Anne created a sacred environment that allowed me to feel free-spirited, joyful, playful and relaxed. It was the first time I participated in a drumming event and now I can’t wait to get my own drum. Mary Anne facilitated the group so powerfully that I became aware of the transformation taking place. Mary Anne teaches so openly that you learn drumming and connect with parts of yourself that need expression. She is very encouraging and funny, that you can’t help but laugh.” – Bunny, Mount Vernon, NY

“Mary Anne has been a blessing in my life. I am so happy and honored that Mary Anne is with me on my journey. Using her amazing shamanic healing skills, she is able to get to the core of many intense and emotional issues. Mary Anne’s tracking ability is always right on target and she is able to put the pieces together in a loving and caring way. I highly recommend Mary Anne to anyone wishing to do healing, journeying, or soul retrieval work.”
– S.P., Brooklyn, NY

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