December 19th, 2024
The winter season allows us to align at a slower pace. In the depths of winter, it is a natural time to retreat. Tuning in and shining a light within can allow us to make space for a deeper knowing. The winter solstice is a wonderful time to reflect on our personal wellbeing. Be sure to honor the inner stillness within. Create a ritual that makes space for the holy darkness.
Embrace the dark. It is in the dark that mystery occurs, and ideas of all the seeds are germinated—these long nights provide ample time to explore possibilities.
Nourish yourself this winter season. Remember the quiet and stillness of the darkness of the season is where our wisdom resides.
Happy Winter Solstice!
Posted in Toning the OM | Toning the Om
October 22nd, 2024
Sometimes you get to experience something extraordinary, which is what watching the New York Mets felt like this year. We don’t always have the words or even know it’s extraordinary until it’s over. But then—it hits us—full on emotions, tears running down our face.
This New York Mets team gave us more than baseball games. They reminded us about adversity and the willingness to rely on each other. They showed us teamwork, resiliency, and possibility. They were counted out and did not give up—a lesson we need daily.
Watching the New York Mets in the playoffs reminded us of what we have longed for—connection, belonging, cheering someone on, memories of childhood playfulness, and the power to believe. Sometimes we have glimpses of these moments, and just sometimes, games like baseball and a Mets season like no other reminds us of the power of play, belief, love, and joy. And in the end, isn’t that what it is all about?
This post and photo are dedicated to my dad who was the biggest New York Mets fan I knew.
Posted in Storytelling | Toning the Om
September 17th, 2024
I write more than I publish. My words are often scattered throughout many journals. They start out as ideas, notes, and nonsense on the page. I scratch notes, I scribble ideas, and I start many drafts.
Most of what I write is a draft. Perhaps most of life is a draft–of ideas, of experiences, and of making sense of things I will probably never understand. Perhaps the greatest draft is to be alive in the fullness of words, ideas, experiences, and relationships.
Maybe we are all scratches on the page waiting to wake up more fully, deepen our connections, live more vulnerable lives, and keep the pages of our experiences flowing.
Notice the scratches on the page. What does your draft say today?
Posted in Letting Go | Toning the Om
September 4th, 2024
Everything seems rushed these days. The phone pings, a text alert comes in, a bill is due, work is hectic, or something needs an immediate response. Life can feel rushed. I always wondered if that is why we have seasons – to remind us to play (summer), to prepare and learn (autumn), to rest (winter), and to plant seeds for unknown growth (spring).
I have had my fair share of feeling guilty when I take time to myself or wait to return a phone call or when I spend an afternoon reading. Shouldn’t I be “doing something productive?” I forget that taking care of myself is the greatest gift I can ever give myself and always makes me available for others.
Even when I tell myself, I don’t have time, I will do everything possible to pause for five minutes to breathe, to walk, to notice, to listen, or to be quiet. I take five minutes to recenter myself so I can be present.
Recently I had to give a webinar to a large group. And even though I had done it before, I was nervous. Ten minutes before the webinar, I sat quietly and meditated. I paused for five minutes and breathed deeply in and out. Right before I opened my eyes, I took a photo to remind myself that it only took five minutes to recenter. Oh, the webinar was amazing, and the group felt my presence and joy.
Five minutes – sometimes that is all it takes to come home to yourself.
Will you take five minutes for you?
Posted in Meditation | Toning the Om
February 6th, 2024
I am still processing the Tracy Chapman moment at the Grammys. As soon as I heard the first chord, I started crying. Fast Car brings up so many emotions and memories.
After listening to the replay of the Grammys, I cried again. I think Chapman’s peaceful, humble grace gave me permission to exhale. Her smile and gratitude gave me permission to feel joy. Luke Combs’ awe in her brilliance felt like a collective awe. What a beautiful moment to witness. Tracy Chapman’s music and voice is soulful and transformative.
The song has continued to evoke tearful emotions days after the Grammys. Was it the memory of a time in the past? Was it her voice that pierced right through all sense of vulnerability? Was it her smile that lit up the room? Was it Luke Combs bow to her that felt long overdue from all of us for the wisdom she gifted to generations?
As I reflect more, I have realized Tracy Chapman’s music is a reminder of how we are all reaching for belonging—whether in 1988 or 2024. And just as I take a deeper breath, her lyrics hit me, “And I had a feeling that I belonged. I had a feeling I could be someone. Be someone, be someone.”
As I watched Tracy Chapman sing Fast Car, I was filled with expansive grace. And we could all use more of that. Deep bows to you, Tracy Chapman.
Posted in Storytelling | Toning the Om
January 11th, 2024
The mountains and the rivers carry the echoes of stories written in the earth, in their currents, and in the wind that carries them. We carry our stories in our hearts — the ones we feel and the ones we tell ourselves. May the narrative of the stories we tell ourselves be messages of inner resilience and endurance, of love and compassion, of peace and stillness.
What narrative are you telling yourself? What story of the heart are you sharing?
We live between our stories. The one we have experienced and the one we are anticipating.
Our new story is right here, right now.
Posted in Letting Go | Toning the Om
October 6th, 2023
I love baseball. I am so looking forward to the baseball playoffs. Baseball has been my favorite sport since I was a kid watching the New York Mets play and going to games at Shea Stadium with my dad. The Mets gave me (too) many lessons about life including resiliency and handling disappointment. The game of baseball has provided me with many career and workplace lessons. Celebrate others, cheer on your team, lean on each other and step up to the plate with joy and determination. And, play ball!
Posted in Toning the OM | Toning the Om
August 22nd, 2023
“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
―Pema Chödrön
I was reminded of this quote as I have listened to and experienced a variety of emotions the past few days and weeks. As emotions come and go, and we start to feel deeply our pain and our joy, it is important to remember that we are this great blue sky that the weather rolls through. At times, it may feel too cold or too hot. Sometimes we may feel like a flood, sometimes a drought, sometimes a quake, and sometimes a hurricane. And then it passes. The weather changes and we change.
And sometimes it’s just right. We feel the ideal temperature, notice the most perfect golden light or a glowing red sunset, or feel the lightest of breezes. Yet, we know that this too will change.
As we feel the fullness of ourselves as the sky, we know that our hearts are so immense that we have the space to hold ALL of it. There may be times we think we don’t have enough to carry it all, and then we realize it is moving through us. As we feel the tenderness and the tough times, the love and sadness, the strength and the vulnerability, the forgiveness and kindness – sometimes all at the same time, we come to realize we are just the sky—and everything else is just the weather.
Sometimes we just need to sit in the emotions or notice the sky and in our stillness, we may come to a place and realize we are all of this and more than this. It’s a daily practice of noticing, watching, and being – and then it all passes into something else.
Notice the weather of your heart. Notice the forecast and how quickly it changes into something else.
Posted in Letting Go | Toning the Om
January 25th, 2023
In 2012 I downloaded an app called Insight Timer. I set up a daily timer for about ten minutes to an hour to meditate daily. After using it for a couple of years, I set up my own quiet daily practice of meditation. I forgot about the app and eventually deleted it as I wanted less time being on my phone.
For over 20 years I have facilitated and led meditation retreats and have taught people various meditation practices (hoping to do more of those again soon!).
My daily routine even included getting to my office early so I had time to sit and meditate. I also prefer quiet mornings and easing into my day. I was even able to meditate on the subway!
Then COVID-19 happened. My meditation practice came to a screeching halt. Almost all of my daily or weekly practices stopped. I couldn’t meditate, read, or journal. I gave myself permission to be in this place. Although I didn’t think it would take 2+ years to come out of it.
I discovered that my daily walks became a meditation practice. And the more I walked, the more I noticed everything. I noticed more colors, more trees, more birds, more nature, and more beauty. But something was still missing. I wanted to get back to my meditation—even if it meant starting over with two to five minutes of daily meditation. I downloaded the Insight Timer app again. Sitting quietly, I began to listen to guided meditations. It was as if I never left. My body was able to relax first for brief moments and then eventually for longer periods of time.
Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to let something go and have it return as something new. When meditation (or any practice) feels like a chore, pausing and waiting for it return in a new way can help. If you’re like me and have wanted to return to a mediation practice, feel free to start over, again.
And if you need support starting a meditation practice or growing your current one, please reach out to me.
Suggestions: for those looking for apps that support meditation, try Insight Timer, Ten Percent Happier, or Calm.
Tags: Daily Routine, Insight Timer, Meditation, Pause, Practice, Retreats, Toning the OM
Posted in Toning the OM | Toning the Om
September 17th, 2021
Toning the OM has been selected as the Winner for the 2021 Best of Bronx Awards in the category of Local Business!
Each year, in and around the Bronx area, the Bronx Award Program chooses only the best local businesses. They focus on companies that have demonstrated their ability to use various marketing methods to grow their business in spite of difficult economic times. The companies chosen exemplify the best of small business; often leading through customer service and community involvement.
For most companies, this recognition is a result of their dedication and efforts as well as the work put into building the business. Toning the OM is now a part of an exclusive group of small businesses that have achieved this selection.
The Bronx Award Program was created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of businesses and organizations in and around Bronx. Their mission is to raise the profile of exemplary companies and entrepreneurs among the press, the business community, and the general public.
Thank to everyone who has supported Toning the OM through the years–whether you have attended a workshop, sacred circle, retreat, coaching or meditation session. And am also grateful to everyone that has shown support and love by sharing and promoting Toning the OM and sent encouraging words.
Most of all, am grateful to my parents who taught me the value and meaning of service. All that I do and all that I share is in their memory–as I know they are always watching over me.
Tags: 2021 Best Business, Bronx Award, Bronx Award Program, Community, Gratitude, Inspiration, Life Coaching, Local Business, Meditation, Mindfulness, OM, Retreats, Service, Small Business, Toning the OM
Posted in Toning the OM | Toning the Om