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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

Archive for January, 2018

The Drum and the Dream

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Are you willing to listen to your most profound sound living in you and dream it into being?

Am launching a new shamanic teaching and journey program – the Drum and the Dream. It was time to birth new life into shamanic healing and teaching practices.

As I focused more on ways to nourish peace within myself, I meditated on nurturing a direct path to peace. This led me to my heart-center and connecting to my inner rhythm. Deep meditation and writing allowed me to relate to my personal rhythm and connect it to universal rhythms. This shamanic journey of the heart led to profound processes and my path into the Drum and the Dream.

Are you willing to expand the maximum capacity of your heart?

Perhaps by connecting to our own personal rhythm, we can relate to those around us in new ways. We can connect with our heart first and then our mind. We can connect on deeper levels, beyond the known and into the unknown and unseen world. We can meet each other with purpose. We can learn ways to release anger and open to patience acceptance. We can learn ways to relate to our own personal rhythms that live inside of us. We can step into the life we have been longing for.  

Maybe it is time to embark on a deep personal healing journey.

We are all dreaming the world into being. It is not the sleeping dream we’re familiar with, but the waking dream we craft with our eyes open. When we awaken our power to dream, we can begin to create original dreams that allow us to embrace the ever-shifting landscape with equanimity and courage.

Welcome to the Drum and the Dream!

We will be offering the Drum and Dream shamanic teaching and journeys who will share more specifics of the processes and practices you will learn in the Rhythms of the East workshop/training starting in April 2018. 

** Also, save the date: the Drum and the Dream Shamanic Retreat: Rhythms of the East will be held at Menla Retreat Center in the Catskills, September 28-30, 2018.


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Tiny Steps

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

On a recent trip to Florida, I met up with my friend, Evonn. We walked around the beautiful Morikami Japanese Gardens. As we walked around the gardens, Evonn shared a story about slowing down. Evonn was helping her grandchildren get ready for school and wanted to be sure they caught their school bus on time. Her five year old grandson, Charlie, was in no rush as he wandered around the house at his own pace. Evonn was making sure his socks and shoes were on as they walked to the front door. Charlie came to a stop. He looked up at Evonn and said, “Tiny steps.” The pace slowed down and Evonn and Charlie walked to the door taking tiny steps. It was a lesson in being present and slowing down. In a time when everyone seems to be rushing around, a five year old child reminds us to stop and pay attention. Take tiny steps. Be present. Slow down. Be.

Evonn shared with Charlie over the holidays that she liked his “tiny steps.” Charlie responded, “Oh, I don’t do tiny steps anymore.” He had moved on into a new present movement. As my friend Evonn shared, “May we stay in the moment and move right on.”

We can learn a lot from taking tiny steps. And we can learn even more from a five year old.

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The Year of Devotion

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018

As I sat ready to release 2017 (and I was ready!), I listened for what 2018 was preparing me for. What energy, focus, theme, word or phrase did I need most for the new year? Devotion.

Devotion to stillness, to meditation, to love, to service, to creating, to healing, to traveling, to causes, to writing, to connections, and to nourishing peace.

I also ask our community to share and declare their word/s and focus for 2018. The global response was amazing. Here are some that have been shared by our tribe:

Direction. Intentional. Employment. Believe. Focus. Inspire. Patience – with Myself. Breathe. Focus on What Matters. Detachment. Declaration. Non-judgment. Trust. Forward/Align/Reflect. Transformation. Intentionally. Forgiveness. Fortitude. Determination. Intention. Meaning/Joy/Flow. Kindness. Resist. Inner Strength.

What is your word/s, theme or focus for 2018?

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