Archive for March, 2011
I Was Wrong about High School (Sorry Paramus Catholic)
Thursday, March 24th, 2011
For about 20 years I have been telling people how much I hated my high school. I would tell stories about not having many friends and how I felt like the school emphasized discipline over education. There was the constant threat of getting a demerit. I couldn’t wait to graduate and leave for college. I even took my name off their mailing list.
While at college, I made friends easily and enjoyed my classes. It was only when I began writing long papers and taking exams that I realized how good of an education I received in high school. But I would still tell the story of how terrible my high school was.
When my 20 year reunion came around, I never saw the invitation (since I wasn’t on the list). My sister is the same age and when she received her invitation, she asked if I wanted to go. I told her I had no interest in a high school reunion. A few friends also invited me to go with them. Nope. I remained stubborn and rejected the gathering.
Then after joining Facebook a few years ago, some high school friends “friended” me. We began catching up about our lives. They commented on my inspirational thoughts or posted comments about my blog. Over time, I connected with more high school friends – folks I never even realized knew my name or remembered me. I started hearing amazing stories about marriages, divorces, finding life partners, losing parents, moving far away, caring for ill children, adoptions, careers and so much more. There were a lot of exchanges of good news, sad news, and day-to-day happenings. As I began to connect more, I received invitations to meet for a drink, a party, or just to hang out.
Now, the story about my high school has changed. I tell funny stories about teachers and friendships. Maybe I was just too insecure in high school. Maybe I was holding onto a story of the past that kept me insecure. Maybe I have been too insecure for the last 20 years to believe that every one struggles at 15 and who we are changes over time. Maybe I am still growing up. Maybe I didn’t like who I was in high school. The people I went to school with are pretty incredible. Maybe it’s time to release all the demerits I have given myself over the past 20 years.
Thank you Paramus Catholic and all my friends~
Mary Anne