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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

Archive for May, 2018

Mastering Our Breath

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

For many years, I would sit with my teacher and she would ask me to be mindful of my breathing. We would sit each week and take a few slow, gentle breaths in and out.

Often my homework assignment from my teacher would be an invitation to be mindful of my breathing throughout my day. I was to pause and take conscious breaths with each phone call, before each email, or meal.

My teacher would often say, “I want you to master your breathing. If you can master your breath, you can master anything.”

Want to join me in my daily practice of breathing with mindfulness throughout the day?

Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s master our breathing – a breath at a time.


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From Struggle to Strength

Thursday, May 10th, 2018

This poem was submitted as part of National Poetry month. It is written by 15-year-old, George Ferguson. It fits into all that Toning the OM represents: mind and body meeting inner strength and possibility. I love how much George listened and learned from his own physical struggles and chose to rise up from them. His inner struggles led him to deep insights about himself. Congratulations George!

As a unique, young individual
with just the strangest issues,
physical abilities included,
from the incapability of using limbs
to being unable to keep my head screwed on my body,
led to classes,
led to lectures,
led to lessons;
bowling occurred first,
where my arms were twigs,
where they could snap at any moment,
while the ball flung from left gutter to the right,
going backwards at certain points,
and this was only part one of the project,
with my legs being the next step,
which strolled me to a path of dancing,
Irish step dancing,
where even though I had contained zero talent,
had no way of making my legs become pencils,
the people accepted me,
not only for my Irish roots,
but having a passion for wanting to become stronger than Ali,
wanting to become better than Flatley,
and that’s where the third step entered,
with my noggin latched into place,
different kinds of social issues on both ends on the spectrum,
where it became an incredible struggle,
that therapy landed right into my lap,
and even with the flaws,
the challenges,
the obstacles,
the maturity in me has risen,
and life has been a machine since the early days.

© This poem is the property of George Ferguson and permission to publish has been given by his family.

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