Archive for September, 2024
Scratches on the Page
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
I write more than I publish. My words are often scattered throughout many journals. They start out as ideas, notes, and nonsense on the page. I scratch notes, I scribble ideas, and I start many drafts.
Most of what I write is a draft. Perhaps most of life is a draft–of ideas, of experiences, and of making sense of things I will probably never understand. Perhaps the greatest draft is to be alive in the fullness of words, ideas, experiences, and relationships.
Maybe we are all scratches on the page waiting to wake up more fully, deepen our connections, live more vulnerable lives, and keep the pages of our experiences flowing.
Notice the scratches on the page. What does your draft say today?
Five Minutes for You
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
Everything seems rushed these days. The phone pings, a text alert comes in, a bill is due, work is hectic, or something needs an immediate response. Life can feel rushed. I always wondered if that is why we have seasons – to remind us to play (summer), to prepare and learn (autumn), to rest (winter), and to plant seeds for unknown growth (spring).
I have had my fair share of feeling guilty when I take time to myself or wait to return a phone call or when I spend an afternoon reading. Shouldn’t I be “doing something productive?” I forget that taking care of myself is the greatest gift I can ever give myself and always makes me available for others.
Even when I tell myself, I don’t have time, I will do everything possible to pause for five minutes to breathe, to walk, to notice, to listen, or to be quiet. I take five minutes to recenter myself so I can be present.
Recently I had to give a webinar to a large group. And even though I had done it before, I was nervous. Ten minutes before the webinar, I sat quietly and meditated. I paused for five minutes and breathed deeply in and out. Right before I opened my eyes, I took a photo to remind myself that it only took five minutes to recenter. Oh, the webinar was amazing, and the group felt my presence and joy.
Five minutes – sometimes that is all it takes to come home to yourself.
Will you take five minutes for you?