I often encourage people to think bigger, go bolder, and reach higher. As my business started to grow, I knew it was time to expand my coaching practice – to reach more people – to be more visible. I began to draft my business design, update my bio, and launch a new website. After completing my draft, three things happened: 1. I came down with a horrible stomach virus; 2. A family member was diagnosed with a serious illness; 3 My computer crashed. All of this happened in the span of about seven days. While feeling vulnerable, the voice of doubt came whispering (okay, screaming) in. I had the thought, “Maybe I am not ready and capable of expanding my coaching business.”
When I was done feeling sorry for myself, I realized at that moment I was going to my growing edge. And for that reason I knew it was important for me to help other people discover theirs – because at any given moment, we are called to go beyond the voice of doubt and fear and see what incredible opportunity is awaiting us. It may not always be easy, but it can be simple. It can simple knowing what we are called to do. And it may take getting support to help us create the map to get there. Continue reading…
Celebrate your growing edge in Hawaii. For more details about the upcoming retreat in Hawaii on the Big Island, click here.
Peace, Mary Anne