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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

Sacred Pulse Workshop

Date(s) - 05/01/2012
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Luman Center


Sacred Pulse Workshop

Facilitated by Mary Anne Flanagan 

Spend an evening tapping into the sacred pulse of your heart and breath. We will be guided by drumming rhythms to journey within to find our sacred pulse of joy. Together we will create a space in which we will weave together sacred rhythms and songs to celebrate and explore the deep beauty that lies within each of us. The workshop includes drumming rhythms, songs/chants, journeying, soothing soundscapes and guided meditations. No experience needed. All are welcome!

Date: Tuesday, May 1
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: The Luman Center, Caldwell, NJ
Register Form.

Participants are invited to bring: A hand drum or rattle (all instruments welcomed), notebook, pen & water. Extra percussion instruments will be provided. 

Mary Anne Flanagan is the founder of Toning the OM™, an international healing arts company that is committed to nurturing heart connections through experiential workshops, retreats, healing, and coaching sessions. Mary Anne is also a certified Life Coach from New York University, a Shamanic Teacher, and workshop facilitator. Mary Anne received a Certificate in Coaching in Medicine and Leadership from Harvard University. She has a private healing and coaching practice in New York City. www.toningtheom.com

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