As a new month begins with endless possibility, I offer a heart-center meditation.
Take a breath. Breathe yourself.
Breathe in a way that feels best for you.
Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose and out your mouth.
Take in ‘more’ with the next inhalation – whatever that means to you.
And release ‘more’ with the next exhalation – whatever that means to you.
With every breath, go deeper.
With every breath, your brilliance awaits you.
Allow your breath to become softer and gentler.
Trust your breath. Your breath is your greatest teacher right now.
What is your breath showing you at this very moment?
Breathe through your heart center.
How will you be in your heart center today?
Breathe through that. Listen for an answer – however it arrives.
Bring your hand to your heart.
Breathe the lesson of your heart center.
Breathe your heart’s vision.
Breathe your heart’s deepest healing.
Breathe your Whole Self.
Through your heart center, allow love to flow.
Allow love to touch the heartbeat of everyone you meet.
Where do you go to touch love?
What love has come in deeper as you sit with your breath?
Love awaits you with each breath.
Open your eyes. Look around at the love you created.
Mary Anne