As I stood waiting for my #5 train at Grand Central Station, I took notice of an MTA worker who I see every day. He helps keep the trains moving, lets the conductor know when to shut the doors, and assists struggling passengers. I have noticed how he does this with such kindness and always with a smile on his face. As I waited for my train, I went over to him to thank him. I shared with him that I have noticed how good he is with the customers and his positive attitude. He was very grateful for the compliment. He said, “I try.” I acknowledged his work, especially as people are always in a rush on or off a train. We chatted for a few minutes and he continued with his work.
My train started to pull into Grand Central and the MTA worker came over to me and before the doors opened he said, “You made my day.” All it took was a thank you. And what he didn’t know was that he made mine too.
I realized on my way home just how easy it is to make life nicer for another – a simple thank you. I have been much more aware of saying thank you and acknowledging people and noticing what a difference it makes.
Who will you thank today? Go ahead – make someone’s day sweeter.
Mary Anne
This is dedicated to all the Veterans for their service. Thank you.