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<Drums Rattle Djembe Doumbek>

The Wild Cosmic Heart Retreat ~ The Big Island ~ Hawaii

Date(s) - 11/04/2012 - 11/10/2012
All Day



Experience the exquisite and ecstatic energy of your heart that connects you to your authentic self.  Using primarily classic meditations methods, shamanic journeying, guided visualizations, as well as other experiential practices, we will explore some important aspects of the heart. We will be drawing on the physical and energetic experiences as well as the inspiration of poetry and lore from various cultures, myths and spiritual traditions to awaken our untamed heart. Our week long retreat includes experiencing shamanic practices and other rituals to awaken and access our greatest source of power – our heart.

This special retreat will be held at Kalani Oceanside Retreat. Kalani is on the Big Island and is bordered by tropical jungle and the Pacific Ocean. Kalani Honua means harmony of heaven and earth and our retreat will allow you to experience this. 

The retreat includes:

          exploring  heart-centered practices

          breath-work and meditation

          experiencing heart-centered rituals and ceremonies

          practicing heart breath, sound & movement

          exploring what a wild cosmic heart means

          using rhythm & sound to feel the heart

          shamanic journeying/guided visualizations

          nature walks & quiet time

          a Hula Class! 

Our days will start with morning meditation, poetry, and quiet practices. Many of our afternoons are left free to enjoy and explore many of the Big Islands abundant resources and natural beauty. You may choose to hang around at Kalani Retreat Center to lounge in a hammock and rest. In the evenings, after dinner, we will gather for a group session that might include: shamanic journeying, chanting, movement, sacred play, sharing, and creative expression. Each practice will give us the opportunity to explore and unearth our wild cosmic heart.

Built into the schedule is Play Day – a chance to immerse in a full Hawaii experience: 

Your Guide(s):
Mary Anne Flanagan is the creator and founder of Toning the OM™. Toning the OM™ is an international healing arts company that is committed to nurturing body, spirit, and heart connections through experiential workshops, retreats, healing, and coaching sessions.

Mary Anne is a Certified Life Coach from New York University, a Shamanic Teacher, and workshop facilitator. She also has a Certificate in Aging from Boston University and works with older adults on relaxation, simple movements, and breath work. She has also received a Certificate in Coaching in Medicine and Leadership from Harvard University.  Mary Anne has a private healing and coaching practice in New York City. 

A deposit of $300 is required to reserve your space for this retreat.  Payment in full is requested by August 31, 2012. Registrations are gladly accepted after August 31, 2012 based on availability.

Contact: Mary Anne Flanagan, Toning the OM


Email: maflanagan@toningtheom.com 

$1,300 – Triple Lodge Room with private Bath. INCLUDED: All retreat workshops, 6 nights/7 days accommodations, three meals a day, exclusive workshop space, yoga props for personal use, a hula class. NOT INCLUDED: Flights between home and Hawaii, optional excursions, airport transfers ($45 if multiple pick-ups or $65 if single pick-up), tips for Kalani staff, and items of personal nature.

Cancellations made prior to August 31, 2012 are subject to the forfeit of all deposit monies paid ($300) unless we can find another person to fill your reservation. Reservations cancelled between September 1 – October 3, 2012 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 50% of the retreat cost. Reservations cancelled on or after October 4, 2012 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 100% of the retreat cost and are non-refundable.

You may want to consider purchasing commercial travel insurance, which would include trip cancellation protection.

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