Allow the exhale to be a little longer than the inhale.
Release any tension, worry, or anxiety with each out breath.
Allow light in any form to arrive with each in breath.
Notice how your body feels while breathing the full inhalation and exhalation.
Just notice. Be aware. Be the inner note-taker.
Welcome all the thoughts. Know the exhale will take them.
Greet the critic and the judge. Embrace them.
Breathe in and out slower and deeper.
Relax into the fullness of the inhale and exhale.
Breathe all the way down to your feet. This breath will anchor you.
Breathe all the way up to the top of your head (your crown chakra). This breath will open you to your divine connection.
Take a fuller breath. Tune into the wisdom of your heart-center.
With each breath, bridge your heart and mind.
Be the observer, the anchor, the wisdom, and the breath.
Your breath takes you where you need to be ─ right here in this moment.
Welcome home.