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The Hidden Treasures Within

I thought I knew why I was traveling to Peru – to say thank you for 11 years of shamanism as a student and teacher. I started studying Peruvian shamanism after my mom passed away and shamanism helped me get through my levels of grief. I thought I was going to South America to give back; to offer some mesa stones and dark chocolate to Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca. It seemed so perfect that the name of my trip was called, “The Hidden Treasures of Peru.”

I was completely surprised that my experience was not the celebration of 11 years of shamanism that broke open my grief, but rather my trip was about 11 years of celebration of my life. As I journeyed through the many sacred sites and ruins, I had the opportunity to place my hands on large stones and to plant stones from a global medicine wheel throughout Peru. I experienced playing with children, learning from the women weavers, dancing in Lima, feeding llamas, climbing Machu Picchu, walking on a floating island, and making many new friends. I realized the journey was about my presence in the world and the gifts I offer. The hidden treasure wasn’t the ancient lands, landmarks, or even Machu Picchu. The hidden treasure was my life and I celebrated it everywhere I went in Peru. I realized by the end of the trip that other people had joined me in celebrating life – my life.

When I came home, I received a beautiful email. A new friend wrote, “You brought a very special dynamic to the trip, and truly added to my whole Peru experience…as I think you did for many. In fact I feel that you were one of the hidden treasures awaiting me in Peru.”

I came home realizing that my gifts are no longer hidden. They are available for the world to see and experience. The hidden treasure of my life is ready to be celebrated.

Please join me in celebrating life and all your hidden treasures within!

Mary Anne


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