Posts Tagged ‘Peace’
What Does It Mean to Be Peace?
Tuesday, May 28th, 2013
How are you being peace in the world?
I recently launched a website, triZENbe (Zen Tribes). triZENbe is a global movement and community of people who want to bring (more) peace into their lives, into their homes, into their schools, into their communities, and into the World.
As I began to listen for my inner voice of peace, I became curious about when people experience peace. I had conversations with folks about what peace means to them.
What is your voice of peace? On the triZENbe website, there is a section called Zen Voices. I am looking to add ideas of what it means to be peace in the world. If you would be willing to add your voice to this page and share your thoughts about peace, please email me at to listen for my inner voice of peace. I had conversations with folks about what peace means to them. I am curious about how and when people experience peace.
My hope is that by creating more peace within ourselves, we extend that to our “tribes” – whether our tribe is our family, friends, co-workers, community, and/or the world.
What does peace mean to you?
We are one thought away from peace. ~Mary Anne Flanagan